When you are not what people think of you
Image Kimi wa Petto Yayoi Ogawa
When you leave the defined personality pattern nice girl, energetic, happy, beautiful, kind, hardworking, no problem, sociable ... is when people start to look at you wrong.
That you are a loser, you're crazy, you do not know you speak, you give disgust ...
Why do I have to be perfect? For me the perfect people seem boring, nothing exciting in your life are like dolls to look adorable and have conversations without personality or are the height of boredom. People throw
blood if the puncture is normal for a woman cry, complain and scream with rage. If it does, is not human.
understand that everyone likes to have a woman / man, nice that you feel good and this continually for you, or never bother you and be a decent person of admiration and pride.
But people do not always have the same emotions.
One day you're sick, another decayed, another you're too busy, another day will not want to see anyone and the next such that you "eat the world."
We are not always pleasant and perfect.
to the world's most perfect woman in your home is different.
cream is put on the face, gets drunk, smokes, gets angry when he saw something he does not like on television and criticize something that has happened during the day and even may be pasted farts!
xD I mention all this because I noticed that when I break a typical personality of the artist or " girl-blonde-nice-creative "People are surprised and blown away.
I am a responsible for some things and not others, I am sympathetic to some things and not others, I am kind for some things and not others, I'm good for some things and not for others ... and so I can make a very long list.
I can not write or write well, I make hundreds of spelling mistakes and I get stressed very easily and I complain a lot.
Am I weird? No, I am normal, I have not met a woman or friend who does not happen like.
Perhaps it is that men "pigeonhole" a lot to women. If they are not "women-vase " as they like to " Italians like Berlusconi "and channels como Telecinco o la Sexta con las pijillas de " Se lo que hicisteis " que parecen mas " barbies tontas " que mujeres normales del dĂa a dĂa.
Y por otra parte, los que estan aprendiendo a dibujar o quieren un futuro artistico, que cuando ven alguien de la profesiĂ³n que no concuerda con su opinion ya se alarman y te atacan o te ofenden en muchos casos ( no en todos).
Cuando hago el podcast de MisionTokyo tengo que tragarme continuamente esta realidad y este "machismo" o como se pueda definir.
Si me quejo de algo o hablo mal de algo, ya va un usuario a corregirme.
¿ No crees que una vida donde todo el mundo opinara As it would be very boring? or is ... "Only men? O. .. men are entitled only to scratch the low and complain while drinking beer in front of the tv? for example.
For this reason, in the manga, each time the style moe "is more like me sexist and hypocritical. I like that they are all adorable and sweet, but .. why they all? literally .. tod @ s.
not portray real women!
And sometimes this also happens. There is no woman like the drawing " Oh Great ." I do not know any who are so horny always a body having hiccups, are simple and schoolgirls not having personal problems or xD never complain.
Girls size 10, maybe, but have had to be constantly working, and in these sleeves is not to put creams, go to the gym or are operated breasts
xD Okay, I'm going around the bush, I know I am an exaggeration. xDDD
is visually beautiful, but you must understand that there are drawings and not in reality and no woman is like this, (or the very Megan Fox ) and some people do not know the difference.
That's why I commented. Mangas
josei as Kimi wa petto (You are my pet) has a drawing fewer striking, but more realistic portray social criticism. As the topic of which I speak.
O dramas as "Hotaru no Hikari " in all of them, real women, who try to fight on this thinking (and living in Japan, which is the epitome of machismo)
Being different is not is bad, is to be unique.
do not say that a woman has to behave as a bon vivant and lazy bad man but a woman is a human being like everyone is leaving the normal personality pattern "perfect."
So I'm sorry to the people who follow me or wait a few expectations of "Superwoman
" because the truth is I'm like anyone you see down the street, I'm opinionated, stubborn and if I touch nose attacked, I have size 10, I dyed my hair, I get pimples and I spend my days touching my nose because I have no inspiration and I have so much mental pressure that I like to take the pencils. I turned down job offers important and even I lost because of my obsessive slowness and development at the time of coloring.
But I admit, I try to get better every day, but not bitter.
think the bad and negative leads nowhere good.
Concluding on this, if you're pissed off to read me the first thing you must do before you write insults or letting your opinion clear that I'm stupid and I have no clue what I mean; read the url and the title of the blog .
is my personal blog, it is normal to write things I think. If
misiontokyo you would have the right to say what pleases you because it is a web of information, but on a personal blog, offend, insult is to be a little blind.
So the blonde brat-stubborn not wanting to take the pencils for today goodbye,