Friday, May 6, 2011

Sunfish Length And Width

Athena Hime fanart

Athena Hime by * HlYA on deviant ART

Copic Makers Deleter Neopiko and Photoshop (Cleaning)


Fanart about the game Athena

More info: character)

"Athena is a platform arcade game, produced and published in 1986 by SNK.(...)"



· Character (c) by SNK
· Media: Copic "Deleter Neopiko" white ink "deleter" Burnt Sienna "Pelikan" + Black ink "deleter"
· Posted size : A3 (about 29.7 "x 42.0".)
· Paper: Canson Marker 70g / m²
· TIME: Approx 2 days (10 h)
· Has Model Gemma Atkinson by

Poster available if you want (please, note me)

I \u0026lt;3 Athena!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Difference Of Face And Body Wax

Today my Etsy purchases Marlies

sure many know her blog Marlies, well now you can visit her Etsy shop HERE , but I think that once something goes on sale, sold out immediately.
Take a look at the label sold and you can see its beautiful minis
I also want to welcome new followers of this blog, I hope you enjoy it and podais get an idea for your own work on the mini. if you have any questions, suggestions ... clik on "contact me"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tan Lined Jenna Jameson

I have already

works for the station (good for where you think), makes train noises ... It's great for years
I wanted a train to scale to the houses, and finally I have it.
I bought on Etsy and I admit that is a bit large for a children's room, so thinking about it, I wrote to the seller (and the designer and manufacturer) and has more small tarball created a prototype which would be a table in the cottage. At the moment I put this picture, with the initial model and the prototype for the houses.
I'm building the landscape through which my train travels, as something put forward a sound and video with others.
AND NOW THE NEWS in July will be available at a price of 55 €
Circuit, machines and cars, transformer only necessary to build a landscape or put it in the nursery. The measurement of small circuit are 11.4 cms by 4.7 cms-
If you are interested send me an email (clik to contact me) to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to bring, I say that in July I will the I ordered first

Free Southpark Episode For Quicktime

train yard

sent to Peiwen some leaves, flowers and other materials for hecer flowers, and she sent me these fantastic miniatures :
the bowls with images Perico tales of rabbits, easter egg, a chicken chocolate Easter eggs superdetallada, another dish with chocolate duck family ... They are beautiful and worked with that particular delicacy that always have Peiwen minis. I recommend you visit her blog and her Etsy shop which is selling these and other wonders

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rash On Cheeks 3 Month Old

Hi I've seen in your deviant that has painted neopiko Makers, where I could buy in Bcn or some of that style, and also what kind of role do you think is best for kids as well? Neopiko

I do not know much about it yet x_x, I bought mine at the salon manga de Barcelona 3 years ago xD I was told they were going to open a store in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut no idea. It is best to buy online. And the role
... it depends on the effect you want to do. I prefer it that slow drying, and the tiring marker is showing me:)

Ask me anything

Monday, April 25, 2011

Where Can You Buy Planters Cheese Curls

practice I

Neopiko Practice I by * on HlyA deviant ART

· Characters (c) by Akira Toriyama
· Media: Copic "Deleter Neopiko" white ink "deleter" Burnt Sienna · "Pelikan" and calibration marker "Uni pin" (from contour line)
· Posted size: A3 (about 29.7 "x 42.0".)
· Paper: Canson Marker 70g / m²
· TIME: Approx 2 days (10 h)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Relational Database Disadvantage

Peiwen Exchange with garden and coves

Brookstone Helicopter Manual

Friday, April 22, 2011

Aluminium Boat Floor Plans

AND ... 190,001

For some strange
why I am excited this issue. 190,001

at 6.39 hours local

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How To Be A Become A Light Sleeper

Mision Tokyo - 漫画, manga, anime, and videogames - News - Dales Rod!: Days of Radio ... Mimotaku

Mision Tokyo - 漫画, manga, anime, and videogames - News - Dales Rod!: Days of Radio ...

Dods Everyone Experience Implantation Bleeding?

of misiontokyo drawn by Dac

quick sketches made by my fellow radio and web Dac: Mimo
Indeed, even I have your volume of Ufo Baby ... xD out monstrosities

Harold And Kumar Escape Clips

When I get bored on the radio ... (II)

... how are you:

-The-Lolis samus:

- The Mai Shiranui from impossible positions

Finally .. I get bored a lot xD

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie The Daily Sport 16

To celebrate the nearly 190,000 visitors, a tutorial

Make miniature coves using aluminum molds

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Who Is Hiring In Brampton

New plagiarism III

This time I was notified by the user of deviantart Lexiel12lAB . I do not think ahce
need to talk and see the whole picture.
The game that literally copy made by me: made through the web . It also has this game right now in the part of " Featured games (must be" wonderful "and orgullecerte copy of it as seen).
Game original created by me for the web
The link on the website: http://www

Nothing, that's all.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Beagle Mix With Cairn

like a feeling miserable as an artist.


feel miserable as an artist.

(or not do to underline that do)

1. Constantly you compare with other artists .
2. Talk to your family about what to do and expect you encouragement.
3. Basas the success of your career in one project.
4 . Still doing what you know to do.
5 . Underestimating your / their experience .
6. L E money dictates what to do. .
7. Cedes to social pressures .
8. Only do the work that your family would love .
9. Do whatever the Customer / cosumidor / owner of the gallery / pattern / investor ask.
10 . Set unattainable goals / overwhelming and also to take place tomorrow a.

I would add a few more, not feeling like you just have a quality good and you're a slave to it or do not read many opinions about people, but we should read the constructive trust people xD y. .. y. ...

And you?

Square D Series 6 Fuse Box

Y. .. another plagiarism more!

Why yes, this is a rip with all of the law, indeed, who does not see the "copy-paste" brazen face and tie, and then looked away as "similarities" is that we see things differently.
And no, I do not like about this subject, many people have given me that I was obsessed and not let it go.
Uff ... games must be copied, plagiarized and what you want to call the network by the handful ... I just hang which people pass me by via note on my deviantart.
In this case the user was ": aquaninikochan " who told me about the "strange" game, almost "deformed", with a head of a style, body of another background ....( I better not speaking)
As you'll see seems to have opened the swf directly and settled in the file removes the layers that I had placed (usually every hair has about 6 layers of color) and leaving only 1 or 2, then it has embedded in his wrist as he could, and the same with the rest which is "caught."

You can click on the image to enlarge.
The game that you copied blatantly games made by me:
Los done by me: 168506647? q = gallery% 3Ahlya% 2F27132 & q = 18 # / d2mf5bf

and I'm collecting, XD laralarala

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

European Style Swimwear

Thank you for following this blog, and many thanks for letting me know yours, which I always find something interesting to see some new trick learn ... It's great this continuous exchange between the lovers of the small

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Brother Ql 570 Regular Thermal Paper

When you are not what people think of you

Image Kimi wa Petto Yayoi Ogawa

When you leave the defined personality pattern nice girl, energetic, happy, beautiful, kind, hardworking, no problem, sociable ... is when people start to look at you wrong.
That you are a loser, you're crazy, you do not know you speak, you give disgust ...
Why do I have to be perfect? For me the perfect people seem boring, nothing exciting in your life are like dolls to look adorable and have conversations without personality or are the height of boredom. People throw
blood if the puncture is normal for a woman cry, complain and scream with rage. If it does, is not human.

understand that everyone likes to have a woman / man, nice that you feel good and this continually for you, or never bother you and be a decent person of admiration and pride.
But people do not always have the same emotions.
One day you're sick, another decayed, another you're too busy, another day will not want to see anyone and the next such that you "eat the world."
We are not always pleasant and perfect.
to the world's most perfect woman in your home is different.
cream is put on the face, gets drunk, smokes, gets angry when he saw something he does not like on television and criticize something that has happened during the day and even may be pasted farts!

xD I mention all this because I noticed that when I break a typical personality of the artist or " girl-blonde-nice-creative "People are surprised and blown away.

I am a responsible for some things and not others, I am sympathetic to some things and not others, I am kind for some things and not others, I'm good for some things and not for others ... and so I can make a very long list.

I can not write or write well, I make hundreds of spelling mistakes and I get stressed very easily and I complain a lot.
Am I weird? No, I am normal, I have not met a woman or friend who does not happen like.

Perhaps it is that men "pigeonhole" a lot to women. If they are not "women-vase " as they like to " Italians like Berlusconi "and channels como Telecinco o la Sexta con las pijillas de " Se lo que hicisteis " que parecen mas " barbies tontas " que mujeres normales del dĂ­a a dĂ­a.
Y por otra parte, los que estan aprendiendo a dibujar o quieren un futuro artistico, que cuando ven alguien de la profesiĂ³n que no concuerda con su opinion ya se alarman y te atacan o te ofenden en muchos casos ( no en todos).

Cuando hago el podcast de MisionTokyo tengo que tragarme continuamente esta realidad y este "machismo" o como se pueda definir.
Si me quejo de algo o hablo mal de algo, ya va un usuario a corregirme.
¿ No crees que una vida donde todo el mundo opinara As it would be very boring? or is ... "Only men? O. .. men are entitled only to scratch the low and complain while drinking beer in front of the tv? for example.

For this reason, in the manga, each time the style moe "is more like me sexist and hypocritical. I like that they are all adorable and sweet, but .. why they all? literally .. tod @ s.
not portray real women!
And sometimes this also happens. There is no woman like the drawing " Oh Great ." I do not know any who are so horny always a body having hiccups, are simple and schoolgirls not having personal problems or xD never complain.
Girls size 10, maybe, but have had to be constantly working, and in these sleeves is not to put creams, go to the gym or are operated breasts
xD Okay, I'm going around the bush, I know I am an exaggeration. xDDD
is visually beautiful, but you must understand that there are drawings and not in reality and no woman is like this, (or the very Megan Fox ) and some people do not know the difference.
That's why I commented. Mangas
josei as Kimi wa petto (You are my pet) has a drawing fewer striking, but more realistic portray social criticism. As the topic of which I speak.
O dramas as "Hotaru no Hikari " in all of them, real women, who try to fight on this thinking (and living in Japan, which is the epitome of machismo)

Being different is not is bad, is to be unique.
do not say that a woman has to behave as a bon vivant and lazy bad man but a woman is a human being like everyone is leaving the normal personality pattern "perfect."
So I'm sorry to the people who follow me or wait a few expectations of "Superwoman " because the truth is I'm like anyone you see down the street, I'm opinionated, stubborn and if I touch nose attacked, I have size 10, I dyed my hair, I get pimples and I spend my days touching my nose because I have no inspiration and I have so much mental pressure that I like to take the pencils. I turned down job offers important and even I lost because of my obsessive slowness and development at the time of coloring.
But I admit, I try to get better every day, but not bitter.
think the bad and negative leads nowhere good.
Concluding on this, if you're pissed off to read me the first thing you must do before you write insults or letting your opinion clear that I'm stupid and I have no clue what I mean; read the url and the title of the blog .
is my personal blog, it is normal to write things I think. If
misiontokyo you would have the right to say what pleases you because it is a web of information, but on a personal blog, offend, insult is to be a little blind.

So the blonde brat-stubborn not wanting to take the pencils for today goodbye,

Monday, April 4, 2011

What Material Absorb Heat The Best


Thanks to a deviantart user called "Drew-13" I discovered another plagiarism of style, menu, colors, and even copy-paste "of an eye, this time by
The game has to dress like most I've done, and has joined stilo chibi or SD with pastel colors and a background working. Annoyed
see that you yourself have created a palette of colors, iris have created for your games that you already have a "watermark" and someone comes along wanting to tread on anyone just to make money and rob you of your style.

You can check yourself by clicking on the picture can enlarge and see better.
meets the eye is trying to create a plagiarism of style that I incorporate dressup games, imitating everything from the color palette, even my style.
Unfortunately, many will be deceived and will give visitors to the games " COPY" to oto artist.
must think I'm a Japanese girl I'll never find out ouch collect millions and not going to hurt me they are doing business with my way of drawing and coloring.
There's nothing funny.
And here the games I've done:
You will see, for those who are not in the subject, my style well defined and marked.
dressup designs is not any, I gave a lively color, sweet and adorable, and placed the dolls in dynamic frameworks and without giving the feeling of being a mere "Barbie" to dress, they are alive. Chibi styles from realistic.
And damn, is this supposed to touch the moral.
I have enough with my former teammate take work "wonders" like this:

now at least seems to be slowly getting a different style, but this game is spitting to mine and of course, as you might think that I must be stupid, I have no right to complain.
Hell, I burn nearly a month to make that play, a respect that I do anonymous people have a pass, but someone you have close ... is the last straw.
But hey, if no one in authority complains, began using my style as potatoes in all the websites and you will not have your beloved bonniegames "watermark" and lose fans by the handful. Pos
ale! And are slow. I
this world as I get more and more disgusted with every stroke they give me, and I have no desire to continue in it, give it up the ass.
And yes, I say it here because it is my personal blog and say what I want.
(Eva in "Angry" is dismissed.)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Job Age Requirements For Fred Meyers

welcome my new readers traveling to .... And another exchange

its new owner, I hope you like

There is a squash plant, cabbage, carrots, rosemary plants, tomatoes and cucumbers in pots ...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Older Sister Kicked Me In The Balls


It's almost habit ... I love exchanges with Kaisa, Finland. She wanted some of my vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers ---) for a greenhouse and I was in love with your couch (or bed days, not to call it) And I have my day bed that was accompanied by the tiniest clothes pins I've seen, and that works, and a children's game, the pieces of wood inserted into the holes. I really like Kaisa games and exchanges with her and I have a good variety for my nursery. Well, I like games and all their models, for caqma that is a real beauty. Kaisa Thanks and I hope that my tomatoes are beautiful in your greenhouse

Monday, March 28, 2011

How Soon After I Take Colyte Should I Go

Kaisa Exchange with goodies

I proposed an exchange to Gillian (click on the name and going to your blog, you can see the flowers that I sent and I did the jar of roses. In addition to seeing my flowers, take a look at your blog and your Etsy shop, makes precious thing), I sent flowers mle you can see in the picture and she sent me a lot of precious stuff : boxes with surprise (photo, lock of hair, lace heart ....) a tray of delicious cupcakes, pad, the salt jar ... It was great to be opening boxes and finding all those surprises ... Thanks again
Gillian, I really liked this exchange with you

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ak47 Tactical Meilleur Vendeur

Peiwen Gillian (oiseaudenim)

I loved this "variety Ladurée" and I noticed a quirk in Etsy store. enn is even better than the pictures, I love the works of Peiwen, so delicate.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Good Place To Get Dresses

Exchange with more flowers

We FLORA exchange and myself, these are the precious minis I ordered. Kicking the name going to your blog, you will see very nice things and a picture of the geraniums that I sent, also sent a fern that I took no pictures. I loved doing this exchange

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Endangered Species -giant Panda

hate plagiarism II video game industry.

If I hate it, only exploit artists and creative minds to get money and slaves. That's what we want for our future?

The role of the player, with the MMORPG:

- Enjoy the first few days playing it, roleas, know a new world, everything looks like a movie, until you realize that you take about 1 year spending more than 4 hours in front of a fool's game and you can no longer be a day without playing like a hard drug and kill your REAL social life, and the few neurons that could stay, because your mind just ask play, play, play. Therefore, that there are people who spend enough money on costumize characters or maintaining a server to keep playing with their cyber friends. You away from reality, and if you can not stop, you can become a nasty @ problem gamblers.
My I idealized virtual? xD

And if you were studying in pairs or with a group of friends "normal", you lose everything if you can not stop.
not exaggerating when playing Lineage II , I met more than 5 people with problems relating to others with more than 30 years. Without a stable job, no family, no friends, no one. Lived off his family to be plugged into the computer day and night playing MMORPG. They acknowledged having a problem, but look for solutions, and others, were so happy in his world videojueguil knew only laugh when talking about serious things with them.
bots were like: We talk about something serious in his personal life, laughter and thereupon repeat continuously.
real friends "? xD

that why you were born? "To be hooked to a machine?
not only happening with this game, better known as happened with the Guild Wars , World of Warcraft , Ragnarok , S4, League of Legends ...
Its neurons have fallen so much that does not have mono, and real-life care so little that they do not care to hurt their loved ones to people who have more closely.
and all that ... then what I can do if I want to play them?
The best thing is take it as a hobby, not try to be the best, try to just have fun , and do not give importance to the game because the game never gives you what a person can give. And do not play more than 2 hours a day. While bother you go.
There are better things to do than give a "doll" invented by "chinaco such" or "Americanito of such" a paste-paste .

I love the concept art for games MMORPG, and whenever I can I buy an artbook or for information about the artist such and such, but nothing more.
all I see is productive in them, everything else, only in moderation can live.

The lineage of players with a realistic Japanese costumes

The "forgotten" Online Zera

There is so much art
divided by these games that makes me crazy, shocking images might be putting one after another. I really want to color generates well, but normal people, I just want to play that game.

Have some self-esteem is not bad.

"In the role of the player with games console:

- People complain of games casue l, gamers, that if" if potato patatin. ..
causal games are real games, the original creators of everyone you see today. Or esque early Atari games were " gamers?
games gamer s, are to be more than 40 hours in front of a screen time of your life eating only giving an address control toy and action buttons.
graficazos If you want super hyper realistic, take to the street.
If you want a story interesting story, read a novel. If you want to sensations ....
for it is your partner (and if you do not have friends, I guess something will)
A good game should not last long, and should provide continuous entertainment.
Everything else is nonsense.

For me, all people who spend hours and hours in front of a video game are people with mental disorders, low self-esteem and little social life.

life more horrible to have a solution, but being hooked to a drug, whether the drink, or video games is not going to solve anything.
may exaggerate, but I lived for 5 years hooked on games, I've lived with people half gamblers and I have moved to these environments, and not really worth anything. Nothing I saw or met during that time was worth it.
Everyone has a virtue, just need to develop to be happy, does not vitiate a "dumb deceived."

"In the role of the operator, with games in general

If you're not the boss or sends more, forget about fun, getting goals / dreams, or develop your own idea ... or be a millionaire xD
programmers currently working as creative or if they were robots.
hours and hours in front of the pc to get what "most commandments" want.
Your name will not in the credits in the game, you have no glory, no women / men xD, or no raise. Always leave the studio name, the name of "demand-ma s famous" (which probably has not done anything just ask) and you, how much you can expect to leave in the end credits and fast camera, sharing room with other "slaves dreams" anymore. We
What do you have an original idea? Well ... or lick many asses, you have a strong personality and charm you speak with, or if you are a woman, you have " a pair of tits like two carts " and you do not care to be a fresh, perhaps, have a small chance.
80% of the gaming industries are.
You must be very clear that you want to be in the future, you are willing to endure, you can take to change and what goals you want to get in that company.
And if you're a cartoonist, against faster you are, the better.

Whether you're able to imitate the style of Michelangelo, you have a talent, you're a machine creating different styles, if you're slow and you're not the least bit famosete, you eat the snot.

I recognize that perhaps carried away by anger, but I have not seen anything positive.
I still think slavery is a creative business and programmers full of money to the bosses and eat the young brain.
I have not been any major company with a salary interesting drawings done, but I think sooner or later, must burn. Although you pay a millionaire, you must burn to think that someone greater than you with twice the money for your work.

create your own video game company, or become a freelance.

Those are the only viable solution I see.
If there are people who like to be under others, beyond them, but everything takes its toll.

Well nothing, I let my anger closed on this industry it that they will have positive things and companies pamper their employees as individuals and not as pawns but apart from one or two that I know as Vanilla Ware or AkaoniStudio not I can think of any other major.