If I hate it, only exploit artists and creative minds to get money and slaves. That's what we want for our future?
The role of the player, with the MMORPG:
- Enjoy the first few days playing it, roleas, know a new world, everything looks like a movie, until you realize that you take about 1 year spending more than 4 hours in front of a fool's game and you can no longer be a day without playing like a hard drug and kill your REAL social life, and the few neurons that could stay, because your mind just ask play, play, play. Therefore, that there are people who spend enough money on costumize characters or maintaining a server to keep playing with their cyber friends. You away from reality, and if you can not stop, you can become a nasty @ problem gamblers.

My I idealized virtual? xD
not exaggerating when playing Lineage II , I met more than 5 people with problems relating to others with more than 30 years. Without a stable job, no family, no friends, no one. Lived off his family to be plugged into the computer day and night playing MMORPG. They acknowledged having a problem, but look for solutions, and others, were so happy in his world videojueguil knew only laugh when talking about serious things with them.
bots were like: We talk about something serious in his personal life, laughter and thereupon repeat continuously.

real friends "? xD
not only happening with this game, better known as happened with the Guild Wars , World of Warcraft , Ragnarok , S4, League of Legends ...
Its neurons have fallen so much that does not have mono, and real-life care so little that they do not care to hurt their loved ones to people who have more closely.
and all that ... then what I can do if I want to play them?
The best thing is take it as a hobby, not try to be the best, try to just have fun , and do not give importance to the game because the game never gives you what a person can give. And do not play more than 2 hours a day. While bother you go.
There are better things to do than give a "doll" invented by "chinaco such" or "Americanito of such" a paste-paste .
I love the concept art for games MMORPG, and whenever I can I buy an artbook or for information about the artist such and such, but nothing more.
all I see is productive in them, everything else, only in moderation can live.

The lineage of players with a realistic Japanese costumes

The "forgotten" Online Zera
divided by these games that makes me crazy, shocking images might be putting one after another. I really want to color generates well, but normal people, I just want to play that game. Have some self-esteem is not bad.
"In the role of the player with games console:
- People complain of games casue l, gamers, that if" if potato patatin. ..
causal games are real games, the original creators of everyone you see today. Or esque early Atari games were " gamers?
games gamer s, are to be more than 40 hours in front of a screen time of your life eating only giving an address control toy and action buttons.
graficazos If you want super hyper realistic, take to the street.
If you want a story interesting story, read a novel. If you want to sensations ....
for it is your partner (and if you do not have friends, I guess something will)
A good game should not last long, and should provide continuous entertainment.
Everything else is nonsense.
For me, all people who spend hours and hours in front of a video game are people with mental disorders, low self-esteem and little social life.
life more horrible to have a solution, but being hooked to a drug, whether the drink, or video games is not going to solve anything.
may exaggerate, but I lived for 5 years hooked on games, I've lived with people half gamblers and I have moved to these environments, and not really worth anything. Nothing I saw or met during that time was worth it.
Everyone has a virtue, just need to develop to be happy, does not vitiate a "dumb deceived."
"In the role of the operator, with games in general
If you're not the boss or sends more, forget about fun, getting goals / dreams, or develop your own idea ... or be a millionaire xD
programmers currently working as creative or if they were robots.
hours and hours in front of the pc to get what "most commandments" want.
Your name will not in the credits in the game, you have no glory, no women / men xD, or no raise. Always leave the studio name, the name of "demand-ma s famous" (which probably has not done anything just ask) and you, how much you can expect to leave in the end credits and fast camera, sharing room with other "slaves dreams" anymore. We
What do you have an original idea? Well ... or lick many asses, you have a strong personality and charm you speak with, or if you are a woman, you have " a pair of tits like two carts " and you do not care to be a fresh, perhaps, have a small chance.
80% of the gaming industries are.
You must be very clear that you want to be in the future, you are willing to endure, you can take to change and what goals you want to get in that company.
And if you're a cartoonist, against faster you are, the better.
Whether you're able to imitate the style of Michelangelo, you have a talent, you're a machine creating different styles, if you're slow and you're not the least bit famosete, you eat the snot.
I recognize that perhaps carried away by anger, but I have not seen anything positive.
I still think slavery is a creative business and programmers full of money to the bosses and eat the young brain.
I have not been any major company with a salary interesting drawings done, but I think sooner or later, must burn. Although you pay a millionaire, you must burn to think that someone greater than you with twice the money for your work.
create your own video game company, or become a freelance.
Those are the only viable solution I see.
If there are people who like to be under others, beyond them, but everything takes its toll.
Well nothing, I let my anger closed on this industry it that they will have positive things and companies pamper their employees as individuals and not as pawns but apart from one or two that I know as Vanilla Ware or AkaoniStudio not I can think of any other major.
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