feel miserable as an artist.
(or not do to underline that do)
1. Constantly you compare with other artists .
2. Talk to your family about what to do and expect you encouragement.
3. Basas the success of your career in one project.
4 . Still doing what you know to do.
5 . Underestimating your / their experience .
6. L E money dictates what to do. .
7. Cedes to social pressures .
8. Only do the work that your family would love .
9. Do whatever the Customer / cosumidor / owner of the gallery / pattern / investor ask.
10 . Set unattainable goals / overwhelming and also to take place tomorrow a.
I would add a few more, not feeling like you just have a quality good and you're a slave to it or do not read many opinions about people, but we should read the constructive trust people xD y. .. y. ...
And you?
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