Garth Ennis, known for his screenplays ultraviolent, Preacher, Punisher, Hitman, dicks, the boys, war storys, rfile brigade, etc etc, again to renew a character that already As if that was violent, the Midnighter, a genetically modified type to predict the opponent's movements, reflexes and increased strength! Basically it is a Batman, which kills more than not being able to totally violent and over .... gay !!!!!! Not to mention that the couple is "Superman" of the Wildstorm universe, Apollo.

In this new volume Midnighter is kidnapped by a survivor of the extermination camps of World War II to kill Hittler and avoid the horrors they suffered

But not all goes well, point of accomplishing the mission is temporarily stopped by the police to stop thinking!!
Needless to say, the first 5 numbers have a black humor and excessive violence features of Ennis.

at number 6, does a reinterpretation The Midnight as a ronin, very very good story.

And to complete the review links for the first 6 numbers
# 1 # 2 # 3
# 4 # 5
# 6
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