Spiderman 3
I went to see a movie, beating the German contingent odor was in the room, began the long-awaited screening. The opening is terrible compared to the 2 where Alex Ross broke.
From here on out are all spoilers so do not read but saw !!!!!!!!!!!
begins with a quick overview of the main characters and a battle against the new goblin, which has already been shown as a hand in the movie, spider sense zero, either he gets a Napier Spidey.
After this comes a half hour of romantic rubbish that brides do not get bored of the few lucky nerds ....
continue with the action of sandman, pretty well done effects.
Gwen Stacy appears in a way that horrified the continuity of comics like Eddie Brock.
The symbiote takes hold of Peter Parker, and emphasizes the more violent aspects of his personality etc etc etc
Fight the Goblin again, bla bla bla.
More romance useless ...
the suit is removed in order not put bell Reed Richards and his sonic cannon .... Fight
end up with double team, Spidey-Goblin Venom vs Sandman-Final
not so final, the fourth will be completely a chapter of Friends in my opinion ....
thing that disappointed me was that it looked more like Venom Carnage, the other pulls off, would give a 7 to the movie. Things to point out the humor that makes Jonah Jameson is fantastic! Of the best moments from the movie! And finally, Spiderman 3 is better than Superman Returns, there were more shake!
And now 5 reasons why Spiderman 3 is better than Superman Returns
1 - There are more cones in a scene from Spiderman 3 that any Superman Returns.
2 - Ursula MJ and up are better than Lois Lane.
3 - No kids sick pathetic.
4 - The wicked will not laugh.
5 - Jonah Jameson
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