Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egg Substitute In Salmon Patties

a reader asks me about a house level 3 / 4 "who wants to buy in USA:
In imperial measurements, dolls' houses most common scale of 1 "(1" inche or inch equals 1 'foot or foot in real life) than decimal measures, ours is the scale 1 / 12
suppose that modern life and size shrinking of the houses (or build homes of collectors who no longer know where to put them) has done that we care about smaller scales: Half
scale, or 1 / 2 "or 1 / 24 scale
Quarter , 1 / 4 "in our measures 1 / 48 scale
3 / 4 by asking the reader bar, do not know, but I suppose that the measure is intermediate between 1 and 1 / 2", or between 1 / 12 and 1 / 24, which would be 1 / 18. To my taste some unusual steps if you try to find furniture and other ready-made, and to calculate whether you can do it yourself.
I seek a more current level, especially if it's your first home, but tastes ...


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