- All material presented must be original.
- Papers can be written in Catalan, Castilian, English, French, Italian and Portuguese.
- Three possible types of texts:
· ethnographic analysis articles and / or reflection theoretical: should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words, including footnotes and bibliography must be accompanied by a maximum of 5 keywords and an abstract of 150 words, preferably in three languages \u200b\u200b(Catalan, Castilian and English).
· reviews of books, theses and dissertations: must be between 2,000 and 3,000 words. Must be accompanied by a card stating: (1) in the case of reviews of books: the title of the book, the author, year and place of publication and publisher, (2) in the case of reviews of theses and dissertations: the title, author, academic and year of presentation.
· Ethnographic notes: These papers should address methodological issues and human field work, addressing issues such as the entrance to the ethnographic context, the position of the ethnographer, research techniques, the ethical implications of fieldwork, recording, processing and analysis ..., with special emphasis on those concrete experiences of the author extrapolated to other research processes. Notes should be between 4,000 and 5,000 words and must be accompanied by a card stating the title of the research project, as well as geographic location and the period of fieldwork.
- jobs and all that accompanies them must be sent in a single email to the email address con-textos@ub.edu .
- Mail must keep attachment formats. Doc or . Rtf containing the text presented.
- On the first page of the document must set forth in this order: the title, the name and surname of the author, their qualifications and affiliation, email address and telephone number.
- summaries, keywords and tokens must be included at the end of the text after the bibliography.
- Notes should be minimized as much as possible and must appear consecutively at the bottom of the page. Any appreciation or explanation the genesis of the text should be included as the first note linked to the title with an asterisk.
- Images must be sent in . Jpg and attached to the same email text. Tables should be submitted in a file each . Doc or . Rtf separate and apart from the text, but attached to the same email above. Images and tables should be numbered and their location must be clearly indicated in the text itself.
- The complete text, images and tables can not in any case exceed the capacity of a single email.
- The bibliography, in alphabetical order and the end of the text and references, including the text, should follow the model that plays at the end.
- All articles published shall be subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Spain. This license to copy, distribute and transmit the texts and make derivative works, provided it is not for commercial purposes and with credit to the original title, the name and issue of a web link where i can be found. The terms and conditions of this license must be explicit in any distribution or reuse of text, and may be modified with permission from the author. A copy of the license is available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/es/legalcode.es . If the author wishes to take leave or other conditions should inform the Editorial Board at the time of the material submitted for publication.
bibliographic References and bibliography
(Extraído the document "Guidelines for research the second year of Ph.D. 's Department 'Cultural Anthropology, University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAuto Fernando Estrada (2005), which can be found at the link site www.ub.edu/antropo/doctorat/Formularis/Instruccions_Treball_2on.pdf )
References will follow the author-year. In the text the surname of the author, publication year and page accessed. Here are some examples of different ways to use the author-year system in a text:
One of the issues raised in this debate was the same continuity of anthropology as a science. In a lecture delivered during 1959-60, Levi-Strauss asked, "Do not be ordered Ethnology perhaps soon to become a science without an object?" (1984:17).
Decolonization anthropologists assumed that losing the protective umbrella of the European states, making it more difficult to develop their research. Moreover, as Stocking (1983:4), post-colonial government imposed restrictions on the work of anthropologists in their territories. As a result, "the rarity of field work meant a strong jolt to the discipline, nothing could be more threatening to realize that threats to their most precious gift" (Llobera, 1990:30).
known cases show that people defined as the paradigm of society primitive living in the past should be seen as a historical product. Thus, we find groups of hunters that have evolved to this form of livelihood from agriculture, such as the Ainu of Hokkaido in Japan (Friedman 1994:109-110) or guayaquis Indians of Paraguay (Clastres, 1986) . Similarly, cases of potlatch of peoples of western Canada (Piddocke, 1981) of the cultures of the Plains Indians
American (Wolf, 1987:218-224), the Bushmen of the Kalahari (Wilmsen, 1989, Wilmsen and Denbow, 1990), or the patriarchy of the Masai (Hodgson, 1999) are clear examples of transformations resulting from the interaction between indigenous peoples and Europeans over time.
At the end of the text include the entire text references cited. For each type of document, shall contain the following information.
1. Surname / s (in capitals) and name / s (initial or lowercase) to / from the author / s or guardian / s main / s (including, if appropriate, the responsibility for short)
2. Year
Edition 3. Title and full subtitles (in italics)
4. Edition number (if necessary)
5. Place of
Edition 6. Editorial
7. Referenced volume or total number of volumes (if the case)
8. Other Data (if necesarios)
Comas d'Argemir, D. et al. (1992) Lives of Women: Work, family and sociability among women classes (1900-1960). Barcelona: Popular Culture Foundation Services; Leaf High.
PITT-RIVERA, JA (1989) [1971] A Puebla de la Sierra: Grazalema. Madrid: Alianza Editorial .
Chapter or article in a book
1. Surname / s (in capitals) and name / s (initial or lowercase) to / from the author is
2. Label
3. Title and subtitle of the chapter or article (in quotes)
4. in
5. Surname / s (in capitals) and name / s (initial or lowercase) to / from the author / s or guardian / s main / s (including, if appropriate, the responsibility for short)
6. Title and subtitle (in italics)
7. Edition number (if necessary)
8. Place of publication
9. Editorial
10. Volume number or total volume (if applicable)
11. Pages beginning and end of text
12. Other information (if needed)
FORTES, M. (1958) "Introduction." Dins Goody, J. (Ed.) The Developmental Cycle in Domestic Groups. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pg. 1-14.
STOCKING, GW (1993) [1983] "The magic of the ethnographer. The field work in British social anthropology from Tylor to Malinowski. "Dins VELASCO, HM, Garcia Castro, FJ, DIAZ DE RADA, A. (eds.) Readings in anthropology for teachers. Madrid: Trotta, pg. 43-93.
Article in a journal
1. Surname / s (in capitals) and name / s (initial or lowercase) to / from the author is
Year 3. Title and subtitle of the chapter or article (in quotes)
4. in
5. Title of publication periodical (in italics)
6. Place of publication (only limited distribution publications)
7. Publisher (only in case of institutional publications)
8. I-volume which includes Article
9. Date (only in case of newspapers or periodicals of general)
10. Pages beginning and end of text
11. Other information (if needed)
PINA-CABRAL, J. (2000) "The ethnographic present revisited." Social Anthropology, 8 (3): 341-348.
Electronic Resources (If electronic documents integers)
1. Surname / s (in capitals) and name / s (initial or lowercase) to / from the author / s or guardian / s main / s (including, if appropriate, the responsibility for short)
2. Label
3. Title and subtitle (in italics)
4. Media Type: [Online] [CD-ROM] [magnetic tape] [disk] [Floppy]
version 6. Document Type
7. Place of publication
8. Publisher or producer
9. Access (email address)
10. Date of consultation (between brackets) (para documentos online)
DELGADO, M. (1993) "The" popular religiousness ": Around a false problem" [Online], Gazeta de Antropología, 10.
ESTIVILL, A.; URBANO, C. (1997) How to cite electronic resources. [Online]. Version 1.0. Website. Barcelona: Barcelona University.
end of the text is incluirá a single bibliographic list with all the full references. The references in a bibliographic list is sorted from the elements considered in the system main author / year. So, first applied in the alphabetical order of authors (last name), then the references by the same author are arranged chronologically according to the year of publication, and finally these are arranged in alphabetical order of titles and adding a letter next Publication year:
LISON TOLOSAN, C. (1976a), "Strategies marital individuation and Lugo ethos." Dins Lison, C. (Ed.) Topics English Anthropology. Madrid: Akal, pg. 159-190.
LISON TOLOSAN, C. (1976b) "anthropological structure of the family in Spain." Dins ROF, J. (Ed.) The family, dialogue recoverable. Madrid: Karpos, pg. 35-51.
Warning: when the authorship of the work does not match exactly, is considered as referring to a different primary responsibility:
COMAS D'ARGEMIR, D. (1988) "Household, Family, and Social Stratification: Inheritance and Labour Strategies in a Catalan Village (Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries). " Journal of Family History, 13 (1): 143-163.
D'ARGEMIR COMAS, D.; ASSIER-Andrieu, L. (1988) "Group home and social transition." Arxiu d'Ethnography de Catalunya, 6: 7-16.
references and examples presented so far would be arranged as follows in a bibliographic list:
COMAS D'ARGEMIR, D. (1988) "Household, Family, and Social Stratification: Inheritance and Labor Strategies in a Catalan Village (Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries). " Journal of Family History, 13 (1): 143-163.
Comas d'Argemir, D. et al. (1992) Lives of Women: Work, family and sociability among women classes (1900-1960). Barcelona: Popular Culture Foundation Services; Leaf High.
Comas d'Argemir, D.; ASSIA-Andrieu, L. (1988) "domestic groups and social transition." Archive Ethnography of Catalonia, 6: 7-16.
DELGADO, M. (1993) "The" popular religiousness ": In around a false problem "[Online], Gazeta de Antropología, 10.
ESTIVILL, A.; URBANO, C. (1997) How to cite electronic resources. [Online]. Version 1.0. Website. Barcelona: Barcelona University.
FORTES, M. (1958) "Introduction." Within Goody, J. (Ed.) The Developmental Cycle in Domestic Groups. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-14.
LISÓN Tolosan, C. (1976) "Approaches double, individuación Lugo and ethos." Dins Lison, C. (Ed.) Topics in Anthropology English. Madrid: Akal, pg. 159-190.
LISON TOLOSAN, C. (1976b) "anthropological structure of the family in Spain." Dins ROF, J. (Ed.) The family, dialogue recoverable. Madrid: Karpos, pg. 35-51.
PITT-RIVERS, JA (1989) [1971] A town in the mountains: Grazalema. Madrid: Alianza editorial .
STOCKING, GW (1993) [1983] "The magic of the ethnographer. The field work in British social anthropology from Tylor to Malinowski. In VELASCO, HM; CHESTNUT GARCÍA, FJ, DÍAZ DE RADA, A. (eds.) Readings in anthropology for teachers. Madrid: Trotta, pp. 43-93.
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