Garth Ennis, author of great comics like Preacher, Hellblazer, Hitman, Demon, Punisher, The Rifle Brigade, War Story, etc etc, all controversial, all with black humor, all violence and some with sex!
But today I am going to refer to his last work more controversial. THE BOYS
Set in a world where superheroes only care about fame, defeat the bad, and lots of sex and drugs, where to join the Justice League you have to have oral sex with the "superman", etc etc, a group of normal humans, but with certain skills and traumas, is to put in place

Led by "butcher" a guy who has a slope with the Superman Revenge of the universe because his wife raped and impregnated her and killed her unborn baby kicked. Recruit a Scot Hughie his girlfriend died after being operated against a wall when the flash of that place in match 3 threw a villain over to, deal with the Seven, the Justice League !!!!! So controversial is
this comic: 1) I can hardly put images of comic for the content that is, limiting the description, 2) The publishing house that published, DC Comics through Wildstorm, he canceled the " large "likenesses of the characters to real, but not stupid or lazy after a while Garth Ennis Comics Dynamite found a new home to continue publishing his great comic critique / parody of the mainstream in general. And
links with you !!!!!!!!!
Enjoy: P
The Boys # 01
The Boys # 02
The Boys # 03
The Boys # 04
The Boys # 05
The Boys # 06 The
Boys # 07
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