Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Does Diabetes Make A Heavier Period
this is the email I sent
Cristina, I wanted you to know that I received the beautiful flowers today! Thank you so much, they remind of some flowers that grew on a trellis on the side of our house when I was little! Thank you for the little extras, I can not wait to try some flower making myself!!!! BLessings, and have a super New Year! I will post a picture of your plant on my blog in the next few days! Thanks again, Kim
y aqui la foto en su blog
Friday, December 17, 2010
Detached Retina Following Cataract Surgery
Another video made by a fan. As it appears in, play, the whole family to dress up dolls, and really makes me very happy to see that something as simple as a game of dress meets manga style ^ ^ aa family
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Chinese Walnut Biscuits
Video dedicated to Bonniegames created by a fan of nick "booboochewer youtube:)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Piriformis Syndrome And Itchy Skin

Monday, March 1, 2010
Pinewood Derby Start Wars
DATE: 17 APRIL 2010
PLACE: Diocesan House (3rd Floor)
TIME: 18:00
FREE ORGANIZER: EcoTerrón Group.
More information: 00598-63-24205
Tacuarembó - Uruguay

1st Prize
3rd Competition Film and Video Mercosur Scientific
-Category Film and Video Educational-
-Ministry of Technology and Innovation-
That you are seeing is a demo 6-minute educational documentary "clay, hands, home, nearly two hours.
This work is aimed at training, using the contents and explanation of Jorge Belanko, Natural Building techniques.
was produced in El Bolson, Andean town of Patagonia, in Argentina.
This play, directed by Gustavo Marangoni, is an educational documentary. From a film language and aesthetics training aims to viewers in different techniques but never leaving aside the feeling of seeing a film that, in addition to teaching evokes emotions in the beholder.
This documentary is intended for educational training, using the contents and explanation of Jorge Belanko, Natural Building techniques.
" clay, hands, home is divided into three parts:
In the Introduction (27 min) gives an overview of this type of construction: its characteristics, its history, the prejudices we have on land and construction material, its strengths and its disadvantages (and how to overcome).
In the second part (36 min) are possible materials and techniques to build walls, adobe, thatch, thermal blocks, among many otras.Finalmente explain how to build La Casa (the third part lasts 52 min.) from foundation to roof and paint, of course with natural materials.
The total duration is 1h 55min. Some of the issues that are seen are (among others): Materials and mixtures
Thatch or French wall
Straw Straw rolled formwork blocks thermal
Cob Foundation
adobe arches superior thermal insulation Floor
fine plaster plaster and shaped shelves
thick legs
live elephant
Ceiling Painting
Friday, February 5, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Breakfast At Tiffany's Blogger Template
start again to write on the blog. Now I realized that my posts will be dedicated to comics you have in my library and have something to consider remarkable. Or something new that you have purchased. Most do not buy comics since he left the fungus prices original comics and combined the best comiquería of Córdoba, L & R. Now I got to buy some of Ennis' Punisher, From Hell in hardcover after more than a decade of searching I have it completito and I will comment today, Superman All Stars.

The original idea of \u200b\u200bthis comic party's refusal to let the DC Comics in the hands of Morrison at his most important, then give this "alternative reality" with which they think Morrison is going to pass up, but not the mad advantage and write the best Superman story of all time and over, he manages to fit into continuity with the saga 1,000,000 that had written a couple of years earlier.
The story tells how, Superman, must confront the idea that will die because the best plan and Lex Luthor that does not fit the time you need to be satisfied with the things he has done in his life for humanity and their loved ones and must before leaving to meet only 12 tasks could be completed.
huge amounts of winks to various comics. Very emotional moment and one of the best fights against Luthor in years. In addition to humanize it as much as possible. Memorable phrases. I think the only thing missing was an appearance of Batman, but that would have overshadowed the role means.
Score: 10/10