Ecological architecture: 10
principles is that eco-architecture programming, designs, produces, uses, demolition, recycling and sustainable buildings constructed for the man and the environment. The buildings are located locally and seek to optimize the use of materials and energy, which has great environmental and economic benefits.
This architecture has 10 basic principles: Assess the needs
The construction of a building has environmental impact, so it must analyze and assess the needs of space and surface, distinguishing between those critical of the electives, and prioritizing them.
Projecting the work according to the local climate
Seek the passive use of solar energy supply, optimizing lighting and natural ventilation to save energy and take advantage of fine weather.
energy saving means for saving direct economic. The most important factors for this are the relationship between the outer surface, volume and thermal insulation of the building. Occupy little outer surface and good insulation produce less heat loss. You can also save more by using high-performance systems and low power consumption for ventilation, artificial lighting and appliances.
renewable energy sources in the projection of a building should be assessed positively the use of technologies that use renewable energy (solar panels, biogas, wood, etc.). Production is desirable hot water with solar water heaters, heat production or environmental high efficiency boilers and heat pumps, electric power cogeneration systems, photovoltaic panels or wind generators.
Saving water efficient water use is the use of devices that reduce water consumption, or that use rainwater for various uses (toilet, shower, laundry, watering plants, etc.). Constructing buildings
highest quality environmentally sustainable buildings are higher quality and longevity, are easy to maintain and adaptable to changes of use. Require fewer repairs and end of their life cycle are easily removable and reusable, especially if the building system is simple and limited the variety of materials used. Avoid
health risks to the health risks of workers depends not only on safety in the work, but also construction materials used during production and lifting of the work. Large amounts of solvents, dusts, fibers and other toxic agents are harmful, even after construction for a long time and contaminate the interior of the building and cause difficulties and / or disease to humans or animals that inhabit the place.
Using material obtained from materials generated localmene
The use of materials obtained from local raw materials (abundantly available) and to use processes involving low energy, significantly reduce environmental impact. The use of local materials resulting in lower travel times, reduce fuel consumption and environmental pollution. Using recyclable materials
The use of recyclable materials extends the stay of the materials in the ecological cycle and therefore reduce raw material consumption and waste volumes. Manage
waste environmentally To manage waste from environmentally demolitions or restructurings - Restoration of the buildings should reduce the quantity and variety, subdivided into categories of waste (plastics, metals, ceramics, etc..) so as to facilitate the recovery, recycling or reuse of building materials.
Source: Lifegate, article by Beatrice Bongiovanni and translated by Ecosofia.org. Image source: Josh Russell, The Brotherhood.