bottom of Town Hill "33" part of the landscape of "North Downs."
Oven Building "Eco-Eco"
The Road and Mt.
This past 15 to December 19 conducted two days of Town Construction Earth "33" were held in the Parish Hall with the participation of mainly lugareños.Consistió in the introduction to construction on land with the construction of an educational exhibition and a furnace "Eco Eco (Ecological and Economic).
All rural areas in Uruguay have a wealth of knowledge built on land many of them missing, but there are still knowledge is not lost and can be rescued. For the Group Ecoterrón exchange in these days and the rediscovery of techniques and special materials of the locality are fundamental bases for the development of Green Building.
"Although the books and new techniques, the man from the country has based its knowledge experience and direct observation. Thus, accumulated data and details that do not appear in any manual, only patience and time were the architects of this wisdom "
(Manual of Beekeeping and Biodiversity Conservation, FAPAS).