February 11 - Deadline for submission of articles
reminder Monday, February 11 is the deadline for submitting texts for the first issue of the magazine (con) texts.
All entries must be sent to con-textos@ub.edu
Please, before sending articles, adjust the rules for publication can be found blog contextosantropologia.blogspot.com
11 February - deadline OF DELIVERY ARTICLES
reminder that on Monday February 11 is the deadline for submitting articles for the first issue of the journal (con) texts.
All entries must be sent to con-textos@ub.edu
Please, before sending the items, conform to the guidelines published in the blog can be found contextosantropologia.blogspot.com
11 th february – submussion of papers DEADLine
We remind you that the 11 th of February is the deadline for the submission of paper for the first issue of the journal (con)textos.
Papers should be sent at con-textos@ub.edu
We may ask you to check the authors’ guidelines that you will find in the blog contextosantropologia.blogspot.com before sending us the papers.